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Haiku, Cinquains, Double Dactyls and Other Folderol


      Arachnid spotted;
      icy chills run down backbone.
      Feet do flamenco.

    Haiku for my Dog

      Dog groomed; bolls of black
      blow across concrete prairie
      like fur tumbleweeds.

    Haiku of the Ant

      Ants, industrious
      creatures, toiling day and night,
      chewing down my house.

    Mad Dog Haiku

      Bi-polar canine,
      a jackal in Hyde's clothing,
      eyes my chicken leg.


    Taco Cinquain
      served on a plate--
      lettuce green, tomato
      red, sour cream white--edible flag.

    Snail Cinquain

      Snails roam
      over concrete
      after the rain, leaving
      inch by white inch evidence of
      grand tour

    * The cinquain form was invented by the poet
    Adelaide Crapsey (1878-1914) as a western version
    of haiku and tanka. It is a five-line poem
    with a syllable count of 2,4,6,8,2. Since these lines
    all have an even number of syllables, the effect
    of a cinquain is often markedly different from haiku
    or tanka.

A Couple of Double Dactyls*

      Patty cake, patty cake,
      Lady Von Havishire
      spoke with an accent, but
      now that she's aged

      Lessons in diction and
      rewrite her past as she
      spends all her wage.

      Dactyl-y, wacktyl-y
      Gilbert and Sullivan
      wrote many musicals
      tripped off the tongue.

      Now that I've learned to sing
      wonderful craziness,
      tunes will be sung.

    * Learn more about writing Double Dactyls

A Trio of Triolets*

    Learning the Triolet
      This form will cause my death! This form,
      this triolet, will kill me dead.
      Before I master metric norm
      this form will cause my death! This form,
      an epitaph for bod not warm
      found carved in stone above my head--
      "This form has caused my death! This form,
      this triolet, has killed me dead."

    Valentine Triolet

      When I gave my love chocolate,
      a Valentine remembrance sweet,
      I soon found out he was a glut
      when I gave my love chocolate.
      That velvet heart, so quick to gut--
      contents plundered, ravaged complete--
      when I gave my love chocolate,
      a Valentine remembrance sweet.


      I cling to straps and squeal aloud--
      the rollercoaster climbs the peak.
      While carny spiels attract a crowd,
      I cling to straps and squeal aloud.
      My face in frantic glee, its shroud,
      reflects pure fear--I cannot speak
      but cling to straps and squeal aloud--
      the rollercoaster climbs the peak.

    * A triolet is a poem or stanza of eight lines
    in which the first line is repeated as the fourth and seventh
    and the second line as the eighth with a rhyme scheme
    of ABaAabAB.


    Pyramid Schemes
      While in bed with her famed Roman Caesar,
      Cleo said, "Jules, you're some kind of pleaser.
      When you carpe my cruris
      my munitia fall, useless."
      "Et tu, my dear vamp--let's reprise 'er!"

    Edwina Limerick #1

      My much older sister, Edwina,
      Took her birthday suit in to the cleanah.
      When they shrank it three sizes,
      'Ween squealed, "Love surprises!"
      And stepped out feeling twenty pounds leanah.

    Edwina Limerick #2

      My much older sister Edwina's
      full birthday suit went to the cleanahs.
      When they shrank it a size,
      She just squealed in surprise
      And felt quite substantially leanah.

    Gender Limerick (In response to mine being mistaken on more than one occasion at PFFA)

      Though honored with words, kind they be,
      Donner's giggling because "he's" a "she".
      Her husband of years
      Would find it quite queer
      If he'd missed all the clues, don't you see?

    * Want the low-down on writing a limerick? Click here

All folderol by Donna Smith

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